Grandpa Ron

January 22, 2012

Grandpa Ron has prostate cancer. I haven’t been socializing on-line much lately because Grandpa Ron and I have been pretty busy researching prostate cancer and treatments. We discovered we have a cancer center of excellence right close to our LA home. Grandpa Ron came home from the hospital last Friday after undergoing two days of treatment using hyperthermia and high dose radiation brachytherapy under the expert care of Dr. Ajmel Puthawala and Dr. Nisar Syad. We couldn’t ask for better care and caring! Jesse and John were absolutely super! So were nurses Sarah and Phong and aides Angelica and Marilou! Our sincere thanks to all of them!

Today Grandpa Ron is feeling a little rougher than yesterday, but he knows it will get better each day. It’s like after a good, hard workout – the day after isn’t too bad, but then the second day the body lets you know more ouch!

Grandpa Ron really wants to lay low and doesn’t want to talk about it much, so I hope the links I’ve included satisfy your curiosity.

In a couple of weeks he’ll start Monday through Friday sessions of radiation for 5 weeks.

Your kind thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated! 🙂

We would not even know Grandpa Ron had cancer if it weren’t for a round with another kidney stone. Thanks to our GP, Dr. Howard Bland, and his referral to the expert urologist, Dr. Ruben Baghdassarian, we are on the current path. Dr. Baghdassarian calls it Grandpa Ron’s “Lucky Kidney Stone” because the tests done to treat it also revealed the cancer. As anyone who has had a kidney stone can attest, it still hurts!! But, now we hopefully have many more years together for more grandpa and grandma stories!

Check out my other blogs about things to do with kids on by the author of the award-winning children’s book Grandpa, Do It! I Do It, Too!