131 mph Winds with 97 mph in Southwest Reno!

April 30, 2010

Indeed, on Tuesday 131 mph winds came across the mountaintops of the Sierra Nevada causing havoc in Reno below. Winds of 97 mph were registered in southwest Reno. Our weather station registered 89 mph before we were hit by a power outage! Rats! I really wanted to know what we had! We lost 4 flat tiles and one capstone from our tile roof as far as we can tell. One pole holding up one of the weeping cherry branches was toppled. Everything else looks fine. Thank goodness!! Here’s the Reno Gazette-Journal story. Calvin Palmer blogged about it, too!

ArrowCreek Weather Station

February 23, 2010

Our weather station results are being used on TV! Reno KTVN Channel 2 local CBC station has ArrowCreek on their weather map. That’s us! 🙂 That’s because we are part of the NOAA volunteer weather network.

Don’t know if it will always be accessible but here is the weather from today on KTVN. ArrowCreek is on the map at about 3:15 minutes into it when he describes the Reno region. Yesterday’s broadcast on the web had ArrowCreek about 3:45 minutes into it, so I’d guess it should show up any time between 3 and 4 minutes into the weather.

Record setting snowfall in Reno and areas just to the north. 12″ at the airport as of 8 AM with as much as 24″ being reported from north valleys out to Silver Springs yet areas south such as Minden and South Lake Tahoe have not seen much. A very narrow band of moderate to heavy snow developed last evening and continues this morning. Winter Storm warning has now been continued until 7 PM this evening. The snow should begin to decrease late morning into the afternoon as this band moves south and east but areas within the snow band could experience several more inches this morning and during the early afternoon. Weak high pressure builds in for late today and Monday but enough moisture remains for scattered mountain snow showers and lots of clouds in the valleys.
Next chance of rain and snow will be late Tuesday into Wednesday as a Pacific systems moves towards the coast. Highs today in the low 40’s with 30’s at the lake.

by AMS Certified Broadcast Meteorologist Ron Percivalle for last Sunday…

You can find more of my notes at https://mygrandmasue.wordpress.com 🙂

Lower ArrowCreek Weather Station

December 14, 2009

The Lower ArrowCreek weather station in Reno, NV, is now reporting online! Woo! Hoo! Check it out here!

We Made It To Reno!

December 11, 2009

For those of you followiing yesterday’s adventure, we made it safely to Reno last night. We needed to get through the mountains by 9 pm. Armed with maps and printed weather.com and NOAA forecasts for the various touchpoints (towns) along our route, we got out of Los Angeles in record time.

After we passed two cars in lanes 2 and 3 going 55 mph along side each other (creating a long backup of traffic behind them like a police traffic break), we sailed on the highway. The 14 was no problem. At the fork in the road in Bishop (continue on 395 or break to the desert on 6), I called my daughter to check the latest weather reports. Everything still looked good to continue on 395 through the mountains.

We didn’t make our usual stop at the Indian casino in Bishop to save time. Highway 395 was spotless although signs were up to watch for ice and bumpers of snow lined the mountain roads. We drove through the entrance of our home development at 8 pm and then met our driveway of 8″ of snow.

Even with 4 wheel drive we couldn’t get over the first incline part of the driveway. So after several futile tries, we left the car at the street and walked up to the house. We got our snow shovels and made two tracks in the powdery snow down to the car. Then the car had no problem!

Grandpa Ron is out there snowblowing the rest as I write this. …and it is snowing once again! Can’t see beyond the houses across the street. It is supposed to snow all weekend!

Current forecast is 1-3″ today, 1-3″ tonight, 3-7″ tomorrow and the second storm arriving Saturday night with 100% chance of snow with no mention of how much. NOAA radio is saying LOTS! We just might not make it back to LA on Sunday! We’ll have to check out going back on the desert again via 95.

Hopefully we will get down the hill to check our mail because I’d love to pick up our expected package containing the logger piece of our weather station so we can go live on the internet! Then we’ll have really local conditions to check up on!

Stay warm!!

Read more of my blogs at https://mygrandmasue.wordpress.com

Today’s Weather Along 395

December 10, 2009

This morning I have been trying to find out how much snow is already on the ground around Bishop, Mammoth, Bridgeport and Walker, CA. Another storm is supposedly moving in today but we are trying to anticipate whether we can romp through the region with a 4-wheel drive or if we should take the desert route of 95 to get to Reno. Anyone have any details for us?

Ah, BIGstLittleCity on Twitter helped me out with the forecast out of the Reno Gazette-Journal! And then I found super info on the NOAA site. You just click on the map and it gives you the 7 day forecast! Awesome!! Here is Mammoth, CA! Grab the map with the hand to pull in various directions along the route! 🙂

Here is the site to check CA Road Conditions (CA DOT).

Here is the site to check NV Road Conditions (NV DOT).

Here is SafeTravelUSA.com which is awesome for showing NV road conditions on a map – Here is the index for getting to other states as well. Looks like the various state departments of transportation map road conditions a variety of very different ways! This site is very useful for checking any travel conditions – well worth saving as a bookmark or favorite!

Read more of my blogs at https://mygrandmasue.wordpress.com/

New Reno Weather Station

November 7, 2009

Grandpa Ron (with a little bit of my help) finished installing his Davis weather station last night. It was fun to get readings on the wind gusts! Now we won’t be guessing when those cold winter winds blow down the Eastern side of the Sierras any more – we’ll have an accurate reading of just how fast they are going! We discovered we need another data-logging piece in order to become part of the on-line WeatherLink, Weather World ‘Round net, or the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather net. We do want to be a part of it though, so looks like Santa knows what to bring this year! This will be fun! It will be fun to see if the grandchildren will catch the weather-fever! It could be a fun family activity.

More on https://mygrandmasue.wordpress.com

2009 Perseid Meteor Shower

August 11, 2009

Grandpa Ron and I have seen several meteors streak across the sky in the last couple of weeks. The Perseid Meteor Shower is very intense right now. According to Space.com: In North America, the best time to watch will be between midnight to 5 a.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 12, but late Tuesday night and also Wednesday night could prove fruitful, weather permitting.” More info in the NASA story. Check out Space.com’s Top 10 Perseid Facts.

Here are some totally awesome photos captured on www.RealClearWx.com – which also has great weather photos. – Could spend a couple minutes with the kids (longer if their attention span holds!) discussing lightning and storms.