I Just Found Gluten-Free Girl and her Chef – and I Love Them!

June 7, 2011

I just found food beautifully photographed to make your mouth water on a wonderful website for people having to or trying to live gluten-free. You must check out Gluten-Free Girl and the Chef! Shauna’s story on her About page is endearing. Her writing style is easy to read. And those photos!!!! And recipes!! And lots and lots of stories!! The website is VERY informative. She has lots of links for further information as well. AWESOME!

I have been going through my own medical mire. So, I’m re-reading my Dr Mark Hyman books (because I have been following his Ultra- concepts for several years now – but not completely to the letter – more as they meld into the Mediterranean diet and more protein/less bad fat/more good fat diets), re-assessing my daily supplements and routines, and getting all kinds of tests done. I found Gluten-Free Girl and the Chef as a link on Hyman’s website. Hopefully, we’ll figure my problem all out soon. In the meantime, since my gastroenterologist told me to stop all medicines, vitamins and supplements in prep for “the procedure,” I figured what’s one more thing – I’ll stop the gluten and the high fructose corn syrup even more than I already had, too. It seemed to be making a difference but then I had to change my diet in preparation for today’s colonoscopy. Since my follow-up appointment is in two weeks, I’m going to use these two weeks to cut out gluten and high fructose corn syrup to see what happens.

Check out ideas and activities to do with kids on https://mygrandmasue.wordpress.com by the author of the award-winning children’s book Grandpa, Do It! I Do It, Too!